the past 3 days have been training at malenovice on the mountianside by the city of fredlont. We have been on a tight schedule for training but having some free time to relax and think about what we are about to do. today we had a panel that talked about czech culture and some history. I learned about what happened militarely to the land. there was the munich pact which ment that France and Germany basically gave Czechloslovakia to Germany (if im understanding correctly). Remembering back to last year when we visited poland and went to the city of Krakov on our way to Auschwitz and one thing that i thuaght if was how warstruck Krakov was. How for ever 30 new buidings there was one that you ould tell was really and didnt get bombed. it was really powerful, and along with that there was the clock tower in the center square that looked like it was rebuilt using old bricks and new bricks together. I thaught that was a cool sybole of moving on. Now i thaught about both situations, Krakov was bombed and in result of that had physical wreckage everywhere but Czech with cites like Prague were a different story. Prague seems virtually untouched but the wrechage wasnt in building it was broken spirits and national pride because they were given away. Then at the same time the nation would be so different today and english camps might now exist. but this history lesson really got to me.
Sometimes i feel so unworthy to spread the gospel with the weght of sin. Carying the most precious cargo has so much weight behind it with it and i feel like such a broken vessle. But the amazing thing is that God uses this broken vessle to carry the preches cargo because it makes it that much greater in seeing that the vessle is not going on its own power.It makes me fearful of God as well, beause although he is going to be with me i need to be careful becasue of the perception of other. God is good and i cant wait to see him use this vessle.
it is very late and we are traveling to camp tomorrow, so pray for safety and that camp goes well. its very close to the highest point in czech called and sounds like shlowska or something. Team unity is really starting to tke form, i like our dynamics to this group and im excited to see God work through people iv never seen. This is when we will get tested as a team, so please pray that we can stay unified.
thank you so much for your pratyer support, we all apreciate it!
Blessings to you and the rest of the team.
I like dont really know what deep to say.
But from the superficial things-I hope you liked Snezka, Im sure your wednesday hike (do you have them, right?) was right to the top, wasnt it?:)
Hey neil! if you have time, post some more updates, mmk?
looking back, i think we had a great team. god did amazing things through broken vessels. :)
hi neil!
my soul-less friend Bobnim and I are back in Chicago. It was great to meet ya!
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