man i have been getting kicked in the pants this summer, in a waaaay good way though.
iv been learning some thick stuff laitly about faith in God and his omnipresence.
the last few weeks at Cn'C have been thick but amazing growing experiences. two weeks ago we talked about the all know God. Its crazy how we try and justify things in our mind even though we know the truth. with him as an all knowing being and what he thinks about what im thinking. haha i like the concept of thinking about what im thinking about. there are so many things that i do so unconsciously and dont weigh out the impact it has on me. The bible says to be in a constant state of prayer but the cool thing is that not being in a constant state of prayer is being ignorant that God is there. even if we choose to deny or not even think about God he is always thinking and know about us. Thomas used the analogy of a mtn dew can and that represented us. God was over us and we were filled up with the holy spirit because we were with God. But when Adam and Eve made the shift to selfishmness they put themselfs ablove God and put out the fact that he was supreme and started living for themselfs. Thomas then filled it back up with a two liter representing us accepting christ and the spirit being with us. it made me think of the table that bark gold would do with the circle and the chair in it. God is ether in or out of the bubble and he is eather in the chari of off the chair. (who are you living for) A big point of the mntn dew part is that the can cant do anything by itself. it needs to rely on being filled to do anything. same with us. God is always there but its weather we choose to be filled by him we will never fulfill our true purpose.
honor Christ with your thinking :)
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