Students arrived saturday and we got to meet our new english classes, mine was the beginner class and very unique. Most of my students had never been to english camp before so had a fun time making each other laugh.
Sunday we had our first day of camp. The subject of the evening program was Peter for the entire week and how we each can relate with him in the bible. We all have been in the place of the betrayer and the betrayed. The subject of the first evening discussion was based on Peter being called by Jesus to come and follow him.
Tuesday was my birthday and we went for a hike as you will see photos below.
The photo .gif below is Ashley(cali. top), me, Sabrina (cali.), Sarah (Intern Leader) and Kaelighe (Intern) this bunch was so encouraging and friendship as we worked together teaching english and challenging students together.
On wednesday we had hike day. I got to hike with a few different groups where conversations ranged from naming every NHL hockey team and ever NFL team to serious ecclesiological (study of the church) discussions regarding denomination and unity of the body. Hike day was beautiful too as you can see, we hiked through the forest and most of it was by a river. I am so thankful that I got to spend my birthday hiking here in Czech.
The czech landscape is beautiful, the region we were in was very hilly as most of Czech. This photo is taken as we stopped to rest, i found some blueberries at my feet after taking this photo and was killed with a blowdart moments before.
This is my friend dan and here is my Czech smile. Dan was my room mate and we had some great discussions. He was an encouragement and an example of kindness for me.
This is not my english class but this is what once looks like. Plus a cute little Czech boy that had free reign in all the classes as he saw fit. That kid was boss.
Below are some of the americans and Svatia- second from the left. She was my translator and a longtime friend where we have had the most random interactions. Neither of us know how we first were connected together because she was in Ireland and i was in Krakow Poland, but it happened. This week God showed me many things through her but foremost true friendship. To be a friend is to know and be know. Not only a fantastic translator and discussion leader but a disciple maker and a continual encouragement in the gospel going forward. she is legit.Now we are in follow up and you can follow up to day on instigram @neilej or on twitter @neilioo with what is happening.
Pray that students will connect to the church and find community there unlike nywhere else they have seen. I pray that it will not be seen as a place of judgement but a place of forgivness and love.
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