Tuesday, 21 July 2009

the Lords Guidance

The English camp in 2008 was a very difficult time for me because i was under the impression the entire trip that this was my last time spent in Czech for a while. So my reaction was to give everything I had, and even a little bit I didn't have to serve those around me and be the light of Jesus. I was praying before and throughout the trip about the future for a few reasons and didn't expect how God would speak to me and lead.

We were waiting in line to check our bags in and a man camp up to our group from Delta admitting that they had overbooked the flight and was willing to make a deal. He said that if we stay they will pay for hotel and food and will give us a voucher for future flights. At the time i didn't really make the connection but it sounded like a sweet deal so I went for it. The voucher was able to cover the entire air fair for the trip this year and made it clear that God had more plans for me in Czech. God had given it to me and the best thing i could possibly think of doing is to give it back to him.

We were also rerouted through Brussels, Begum where we had a tight connection in which we missed because of a late arrival so we ended up spending a night there while have a chance to explore for an evening. God was continually showing me that money and other issues are not going to stand in the way of what he wants to do. Through circumstances I thought I knew the way but through circumstances and prayer God showed the way.

Also with the last post, i started it in November and just actually posted it a few days ago.


Kelli said...

Praise God! So excited for you to continue to be used by God. When God wants you, He grabs you!! :D

And you are posting so much faster then usual, luv it. :P

Anonymous said...

ditto on kelli's comment. finally you are writing more! keep it up.

keep us all posted on the trip!