Sunday, 1 January 2012

The New Year

For the past couple weeks I've been able to relax from school and sit and consider where I am, where I want to be and and where God is leading me. This final school year at crown has been some of the most challenging times with new relationships and all together a different flavor of business. I guess one of the greatest lessons I continue to learn as life progresses is that following Christ is holistic, in faith and in ministry.
I'm almost finished reading 'Not a Fan' by Kyle Idlemam. The latter half of the book in challenging believers to not be a fan of Christ (enthusiastic admirer)but to be drawn into a deeper sense of following Christ. His key verse that is continually expository and broken down Luke 9:23 where Jesus talks about the conditional "anyone who comes after me" must do three things, deny themselves, pick up their cross, follow Him. There is such deep meaning to be found in this small passage that Idleman picks apart shows to be the double edge sword that reveals a fan and affirms a follower. So far its a great read, and if you take it seriously it will do some serious surgery on your heart and reveal weather you are a fan or follower of Jesus.

Early this fall I was presented with a slot to lead the team from Crown college to Hamtramck Michigan, a small city of only 2 square miles within Detroit. Its a very diverse area and actually the only place in the united states that has a public "call to prayer" for the religion of Islam. The ministry there is part of the Christian & Missionary Alliance and is called Acts 29 which is derived from the 28 chapters in the NT book of Acts as we are the church, the next chapter of Acts.
Crown Ice Team to Hamtramck has 9 members including myself as the student leader and currently I am searching for a coach which would be a faculty member from Crown to help me in making leadership decisions. I will work to keep the blog posted on fundraising opportunities we have coming up along with updates on how you can support our team and the ministry of Acts 29.
Immediately I would wish that you could support us in prayer for team unity because we all have busy schedules and that our hearts would be grown and prepared for what God is going to teach us.
for more information on our team and other ice trips from crown check out the link provided, there is also a place to give online if you wish to take that rout.

When I think of our team as we are still getting to know each other, one story that has been coming to mind comes from Joshua 22 where the tribes have been spreading and continuing to follow the laws of Moses and Joshua gives a commendation in verse 5 that I really enjoy and hold important aspects of what our team needs to cling to-"Only be very careful to observe the commandment and the law which Moses the servant of the LORD commanded you, to love the LORD your God and walk in all His ways and keep His commandments and hold fast to Him and serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul."

Crown Ice Team to Hamtramck