This year I have a level 6 class and will be teaching my own class. My helper/partner Laura and I have been working to make our class the most exciting and, well quality comes with experience. I'm confident once we get everyone comfortable they will be talking and learning like we're all old friends. This year's theme is 'Amazing Life' in which we will be teaching on the most amazing life ever, Jesus. I'm excited for that idea, I think for the message of Christ Crucified for the sins of the world to be sent, we need to start with Jesus. The fundamental doctrine of true theology along with being our savior, our heal, our redeemer and our coming king (C&MA 4 fold gospel).
We spent a lot of time doing activities that will bring us together and help us to understand our roles on the team. My sophomore year at Crown I took Gospel of John and was responsible, along with a team, to exegeses John 17 and present it to the class. Chris Gee used this same scripture to call us to unity as Christ prayed for us to have in this passage. The structure in this chapter is amazing as Jesus first prays for himself saying that he has completed everything the father has requested and the time of his glorification has come. In the large center Jesus prays for the disciples that they knowing the gospel of Jesus will be protected by the name of Jesus and are no longer people of the world but are now God's people. Next is the powerful prayer that that is so humbling by Jesus saying that the disciples would be anointed and be the same as Jesus into the world, they would be into the world.
Next is where Jesus Prays for unity and this was the point that Christopher made in our meeting nad I did to the class that Jesus is praying that we all would be "one with one another, just as you are in me," verse 21a says. At the end of the verse it says, "that the world may know that you sent me." then again it is reiterated in the next verse in Jesus praying that they may be brought to complete unity so that God is glorified and that the world will know. Then in this last section of Jesus' last prayer, he prays that all believers will have the love of the father in them, the love that God has for Jesus.
This love reminds me of 1 John 3:16 :This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers,"in correlation for John 3:16 ""For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[f] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." This passage brings it all together and assures us of are purpose.
Pray for unity for our team and that our focus will be on Christ.
This is a few members of the Czech youth group at a surprise party event having a good time.