For the first time in it's history the church in Letovice was able to hold an independant English Camp. Before the camp out team arrived in letovice for 3 days of training where we met with the Letovice team from the youth group. the two teams clicked together from the beginning. We began with focusing on different aspects of englsih camp and making sure we were all on the same page with evening programs. The title for the camp was Amazing Life which went into detial highlighting the most amazing life in history- Jesus. This year was far easier in terms of tramslators as well having 3 of our best translators back who were not there the year befor.
God worked two miracles before camp even got started with Josh Anderson who was not able to join the team at the airport due to severe sickness was able to come later in the week with no extra charge, which was a direct answer to prayer. In addition to that our main technical person and guitar player on the Czech team, Nick- the youth leader's(Pavlik) brother, had been denied for the time off from work when asking earlier and apprached his boss one more time before camp and God also moved in that situation in to allow him to come to go to camp.
From Letovice we left with the students and went to camp riding all on the same bus. Some of he students had to ride by car becuase all in all we had 95 people at the camp with around half not knowing Christ personally. I spent a lot of time with one person from the Czech team named Ondrig who was next to me in my cabin and also was in my english class.
As for now I have to go from pavel's house but i will give more extensive updates from camp. Please pray for our team to have integrety and take this time durig follow up to reach out to the students more. Pray for Kendra Havlickeck with her soar sholder and that we all have energy becuase everyone missed out on some sleep last night because it was the last night of camp without a curfew. I will update again soon with great stories from camp. Also add some pictures, thanks fro your prayers!
Isiah 12
Whats happening next: