Friday, 31 July 2009

Team Transformed

We left Malenovice today with the conclusion of training last night where we commissioned each team. Last night we had a few powerful moments as we took communion and discussed purpose as a team and where God is leading each one of us individually. We also got the chance to perform the Lifehouse skit in front of an audience and through that skit the message of Jesus was powerfully to those in training. I'm excited to see how it touches the hearts of the nonbelievers at camp.

This morning was a pretty early start where I got to meet a random friend of mine from Frydlant where we have a few crazy stories of how we met and a few more instances. We spent about four or five hours on trains and a buss as we made our way to camp. The night before really caused us to take a deep look at the big picture God has for us but today we were changed in a different way.

We took an hour to spend time alone with God and I dont think there was a single person from the team left untransformed. I spent it soaking some Psalms and also preparing for my devotional. When we came back together we had a time of sharing where God spoke clearly about wrongs that needed to be writing and it was a definate time of spiritual clensing. Some of it was released bitterness and unrest that had been held back for months which left our team refreshed. It was amazing to see the transparent moments where team members were willing to be vulnerable so we could become stronger. God is moving in our hearts as a team and I'm so excited for camp to start tomorrow.

How fitting that my devo out of 1 Peter delt with having a clear conscience, being clear minded and self controlled. So that we can be prepared to defend Christ at any time, so we can be not only physically clean but spiritually baptized and so we can clearly connect with God. (1 Peter 3:15-16,21; 4:7)

Pray for students as they arrive tomorrow and relationships begin to form. Pray for the Letovice team that they can be fully prepared, along with enough rest tonight for everyone and throughout the week.

thank you for your prayers.


Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Birthday Blitz!

My birthday arrived here in a Czech about an hour ago and I’m about to get some rest for the second day of training. Usually I don’t think of it as arriving but it won’t hit America for a few more hours. Our traveling was not so much complicated, but more long than anything. We were in “travel mode” for roughly 30 hours as we enjoyed a six hour layover in New York and spent the first night on the airplane then waiting for three hours in Prague. We have had one day of training and are looking forward to how God will continue to grow our team in tomorrow’s training. Today, during a couple hour break some of us went to a stream that was near the hotel, we enjoyed getting wet and Andy brought his professional camera and got some sweet shots. It was relaxing after the strenuous travel and a few hours of training.

“There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death.”

~ Romans 8:1-2

This section of scripture has been hitting me hard for the last week and I’m still thinking about how I can make it real in my life. First thing that caught my eye was the bit “in Christ Jesus,” which is the real twist in this verse. The verse shows that it is conditional in which the preceding is only true if you are In Christ Jesus. Now what does it mean to be “in Christ Jesus?” From my understanding it is a reflection of where you draw your life from, if you have died to self and it is Christ living in you. This is one of the most popular phrases in the New Testament which shows how powerful it really is. Also it leads directly into verse two which presents the gospel in a way that I haven’t seen it in where it is a matter of laws. Before Jesus there was the law of sin and death which ruled but how is a law broken? Well, by a greater law. Verse two gets to it and says that “In Christ Jesus” is that law that overpowers the lesser law bringing salvation. This law gives those in Christ power over the darkness, Death was the most powerful weapon that Satan had and now there is no evil that can keep us from God if we are in Christ Jesus. Praise Jesus.

As far as camp goes there are a few things that we aren’t sure about. It looks like there is a larger group than usual of students who have never attended the Letovice camp before. We have been in prayer a lot as a team and I have really enjoyed how much we are dedicated to God leading this trip. We have our second day of training tomorrow and I pray that the lord will fill us and encourage us. Same as every other year we are going to be at a new camp but we have heard good things about this one. Please pray for energy for our team focus on God over the next few days. Pray James Three over our team that we will be taming our tongue and use them to praise the Lord instead of tear us down.

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

the Lords Guidance

The English camp in 2008 was a very difficult time for me because i was under the impression the entire trip that this was my last time spent in Czech for a while. So my reaction was to give everything I had, and even a little bit I didn't have to serve those around me and be the light of Jesus. I was praying before and throughout the trip about the future for a few reasons and didn't expect how God would speak to me and lead.

We were waiting in line to check our bags in and a man camp up to our group from Delta admitting that they had overbooked the flight and was willing to make a deal. He said that if we stay they will pay for hotel and food and will give us a voucher for future flights. At the time i didn't really make the connection but it sounded like a sweet deal so I went for it. The voucher was able to cover the entire air fair for the trip this year and made it clear that God had more plans for me in Czech. God had given it to me and the best thing i could possibly think of doing is to give it back to him.

We were also rerouted through Brussels, Begum where we had a tight connection in which we missed because of a late arrival so we ended up spending a night there while have a chance to explore for an evening. God was continually showing me that money and other issues are not going to stand in the way of what he wants to do. Through circumstances I thought I knew the way but through circumstances and prayer God showed the way.

Also with the last post, i started it in November and just actually posted it a few days ago.